Setting up an Always-On Tuner on your Land

Getting started with your Always-On Radio is simple. If your parcel is individually owned then follow the instructions for privately owned land. If your parcel is group owned or rental property then follow the instructions for group owned land.

Unpackaging a Boxed Product

When you first acquire the Always-On Radio it may be packaged in a box. This is not the case anymore except for V5 Radios sold at the store. Skip these instructions for the V6-AT radio. Follow these instructions when you get a BOXED Product:

  1. Drag the boxed item from your inventory and drop it on your land
  2. When you mouse over the box it should show an Open Box pointer
  3. Touch the Box. The object contents window should pop-up.
  4. Click on the Copy to Inventory button.
  5. Look in your inventory. You should find an Always On folder.

Now we are ready to setup a tuner.

For Privately Owned Land

  1. Drag the Always-On Tuner from your inventory and drop it on land that you own.
  2. Touch the Tuner to obtain the Music Selection Genre Menu.
  3. If the parcel is group owned or not owned by the Tuner's owner, Always-On will report the problem. For group owned land additional steps are described below.
  4. Select a music genre and a menu of station or channels pops up.
  5. Select a channel and the Tuner will adjust your parcels Music URL.

V6-AT radios no not require a subscription. With V5 radios, The Always-On service automatically enrolls you for 30 days of premium access to our constantly updated catalog of internet radio stations. After your subscription expires the tuner will revert to basic service which includes access to six popular music channels. If you want to continue your subscription just go to the Always-On Store and pay for an inexpensive subscription period of your choice.

For Group Owned Land or Rental Property

The tuner needs to be deeded to the group that owns the land. This is needed because the tuner needs permission to change the Music URL on the parcel. A group member with the ability to Deed objects to group must perform these steps. This ability is always available to group owners and is usually available to group officers.

If you do not have the Deed object to group ability you can find a group member who can by looking in the group profile under My Groups -> Info -> Roles -> Abilities. If you rent the land, then enlist the assistance of the landlord. Some landlords grant tenants or residents the deed objects to group ability. If this is not the case you should give your Always-On Tuner to the person who can deed the tuner to the group.

The person who has the Deed Objects to Group ability will perform the following steps.

  1. First we need to determine the name of the group that owns the land. Find out by selecting the About Land menu item. In the General tab note that the owner says (Group Owned) and underneath is the name of the group which owns the land.
  2. Change your active group to the group that owns the land. This is done by right clicking on your avatar, selecting Groups..., select the group that owns the land, and then clicking the activate button.
  3. Drag the Always-On Tuner from your inventory and drop it on Group owned or Rental Property.
  4. Right click on the tuner and select Edit to open the object editor.
  5. Select the General tab. If you don't see the General tab, press the More>> button to make it visible.
  6. Set the Tuners's Group to the group that owns the land. This is done with the Set... button to the right of the Group: tag.
  7. Check Share with group checkbox.
  8. Press the Deed button.
  9. Confirm that you want to deed the tuner to the group.
  10. The Always-On tuner is now owned by the group and should function properly on the group-owned parcel.
  11. Touch the Tuner and the Genre menu will pop-up.
  12. Select a music genre and a menu of Stations or Channels will pop up
  13. Select a channel and the Tuner will adjust your parcels Music URL.
  14. Perform the steps in the next section to transfer your subscription to the group that owns the land.

V6-At radios do not require a subscription. With V5 radios, the Always-On service automatically enrolls the group for 30 days of premium access to our constantly updated catalog of internet radio stations. After your subscription expires the tuner will revert to basic service which includes access to six popular music channels. If you want to continue your subscription just go to the Always-On Store. and pay for an inexpensive subscription period of your choice.

Transferring your subscription to a group or another Always-On Radio owner

V5 Radios have an option that allows the subscription owner to transfer their subscription to the tuner's owner. This facility is designed to support group owned land and to allow gifting of always-on subscriptions. Your active group must be set to the group that owns the land or to the group set for the always on tuner. These instructions should be followed by someone who has a subscription.

  1. Activate the group tag for the group set for the Always-On tuner. Instructions for this are provided above.
  2. Touch the always-On tuner and the menu will pop-up.
  3. Select the "Options" button when it is available or skip to the next step.
  4. Select the "Transfer" button and the confirmation menu will pop-up.
  5. Select the "Yes" button to confirm subscription transfer.
  6. The Always on Tuner requests your subscription to be transfered to the owner of the tuner.
  7. A message tells you when the subscription expires.
  8. Touch the always-On tuner and the menu will pop-up.
  9. Select the "Options" button when it is available or skip to the next step.
  10. Select the "Reload" button to activate the subscription.
  11. You are done. enjoy your music and your Second Life.
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